Garden provides the following benefits and use cases:
Patent Prosecutors and Agents
Move faster on fixed fee work. Garden helps patent prosecutors and agents meaningfully increase volume while maintaining the quality of their work. Turn meeting notes and invention disclosures into deep patent landscapes. Understand the strength of claims quickly. Generate non-claims sections of patent applications instantly. Respond to office actions in a couple of minutes with the proper claim amendments or detailed refutations of cited prior art.
Patent Litigators
Never rely on outside consultants again. Garden helps patent litigators conduct deep prior art searches and get domain expertise on technical fields quickly. Conduct a complete 102/103 prior art search for IPR in a couple of clicks. Find infringements across long form documents from clients' competitors. Understand patent trolls and NPEs patent estates quickly and thoroughly.
Employ the patent expert that actively creates value. Garden helps companies build patent estates and invention harvest at scale. Invention harvest at scale and on an ongoing basis. Create freedom-to-operate maps in a couple of clicks. Appraise monetary value of incremental IP in the marketplace. Generate SEP reports. Standardize and evaluate outside prosecution work.