DISCO Ediscovery by CS DISCO

DISCO Ediscovery



Find evidence more quickly and effectively with DISCO's advanced yet easy-to-use ediscovery software. Scaling from small investigations to the largest, most complex litigation today, legal professionals rely on DISCO Ediscovery and DISCO AI. We help you get to the facts of the matter faster so you can focus on substantive legal work

Cecilia Q&A: Cecilia is your ediscovery AI fact expert. Ask a question about a case, and get a natural language, evidence-based answer with citations to documents in your DISCO Ediscovery database.

Intuitive Search: Find your evidence faster with software made for the way legal teams work. Easy-to-use search visualization and filters make your evidence-related tasks a breeze.

Powerful AI and analytics: Cut down document review — achieve up to a 50% reduction in document population size with integrated AI and analytics tools. AI prioritizes your review universe or suggests relevant tags based on your team’s existing work.

Robust data management: Manage your own data with sophisticated ingest and overlay tools. Use our high-speed uploader to get access to your data faster.

Seamless ECA: Perform effective early case assessment with the full context you need. You can easily move documents between spaces while leveraging all of DISCO’s advanced tools, including AI scores.

Streamlined prodcutions: Quickly set up, pick metadata, and run a production in time to make your dinner plans.  A million page production can run in as few as 25 minutes rather than hours.

Trusted Security: Your data is secure with our global infrastructure designed and managed with security best practices. DISCO is SOC2 Type 2 and ISO 27001 certified and complies with GDPR and HIPAA.

Transparent ediscovery pricing: DISCO’s flat-rate, per-gigabyte pricing model eliminates surprises and allows for better budget planning.

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North America
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Law Firms - 500+ lawyers
Corporate Legal
  • Litigation
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