End-to-end CLM
End-to-end Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) software helps companies manage their contracting from start to finish: 1) request for a contract, 2) drafting or review, 3) negotiations, 4) approvals 5) execution, 6) storage, 7) data extraction 8) management, 9) reporting, and 10) drafting amendment or renewal. For inclusion in this category LegalTechnologyHub requires a software product to cover at least 6 of these 10 steps. This category has received significant investment since 2018. Companies in this space include ICertis, Coupa, Docusign, Sirion Labs, Agiloft, Evisort, Ironclad, Cobblestone and Legisway.
End-to-end Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) software helps companies manage their contracting from start to finish: 1) request for a contract, 2) drafting or review, 3) negotiations, 4) approvals 5) execution, 6) storage, 7) data extraction 8) management, 9) reporting, and 10) drafting amendment or renewal. For inclusion in this category LegalTechnologyHub requires a software product to cover at least 6 of these 10 steps. This category has received significant investment since 2018. Companies in this space include ICertis, Coupa, Docusign, Sirion Labs, Agiloft, Evisort, Ironclad, Cobblestone and Legisway.
Lucy Bassli
LTH Expert